Wednesday 28 August 2013

Yummy Food for a Chilly Day.

It is a miserable morning here in Nairobi and I started off in style by locking my keys in the car when I went to get my take away coffee on the way to work. Thank goodness for men who carry spare keys and rush to your aid!
Last night I surprised myself by getting through most of my list for using up this weeks vegetable supply and as it is such a miserable day there is nothing better than to share my cooking with you. especially for those of you in the southern hemisphere who are still experiencing winter chills.

This is a guide for simultaniously preparing a CHICKEN PIE (which we will eat tonight), CHICKEN STOCK and POTATO AND LEEK SOUP.

First up peel and chop about 10 large potatoes, place in a saucepan and cover with water. Boil until soft.
At the same time chop about 8 leeks (from the garden if you have them) and fry in a mixture of butter and olive oil (the oil stops the butter from burning) add some dried sage. I used dried as it has a stronger flavour so you dont have to put as much in. Cook the leeks until they are soft and slightly coloured.

Whilst you are waiting for the potatoes, pull the meat of a cooked chicken carcas (I used the left overs from our roast dinner the day before) and place it in the bottom of an oven proof dish. Put the carcases in a deep non-reactive cassarole (I use my lovely purple Le Creuset). Do not add skin or excess fat.

Put aside some of the potato and leeks for the pie.

 FOR THE SOUP - put your cooked potatoes and leeks into the electric blender in small batches with just enough vegetable stock to make a smooth liquid. Put back into the pot and add salt, pepper and seasoning to your taste.
If you are eating straight away add more stock until you are happy with the consistency (I sometimes add a glass of white wine as well but this is up to you.)
If I am freezing the soup, I leave it nice and thick and then add more stock when defrosted. If nothing else it saves space in the freezer!

FOR THE PIE  - on top of the chicken add a layer of fried leeks. Add salt and pepper and a carton of cream and mix all together. Take the potatoes that you have reserved and mash them with milk, butter and salt and pepper. Pile the potato on top of the chicken and leek mixture. You can freeze it at this stage.
If eating straight away, dot the top of the potato with some butter and put into a hot oven to heat through and brown the top.

FOR THE STOCK - to the pot with the chicken carcases add - a couple of carrots chopped, one chopped leek, about 250gms of chopped mushrooms, a fresh bouquet garni (parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme is my usual, you can add bay leaves if you have them), salt and pepper. Add cold water to cover the chicken. Put on a slow heat and allow to simmer for several hours. You may have to skim off the fat as it rises to the top. Strain the stock through a fine sieve or muslin and allow to cool. freeze in 500ml batches.

Give the chicken carcases, stock vegetables and any other extra scraps to the dogs who are frantically scratching at the kitchen door!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My constant companions in the kitchen - my Darwin crocodile pot mitts, I love them. OK yes sometimes I talk to them :-)

chicken and leeks waiting for the potato top

stock ingredients waiting to go on the heat
Bon Appetit! Please ask if you need more explanation. Or if you have any additions to the recipes please let all of us know! 

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