Tuesday 7 January 2014

2014 Year of the Cake! and visitors from Australia - hurrah

Happy New Year to everyone! After much deliberation and many invitations Jim and I ended up having a very restful 10 days at home over Christmas and New Year.

I had a hot, humid and hectic dash to the north coast to deliver the wedding cake for a friend getting married in Watamu. I did all the baking ahead of time in the cool of Nairobi and packaged the tiers up in insulated cool boxes to transport them. Everything arrived in good order; cakes intact, equipment undamaged and fondant icing soft but solid! Now I have cooked in some pretty hot locations but putting together a wedding cake with butter cream and fondant in the December tropical heat nearly broke me! Everything was going well until I had to refrigerate layers in between putting them together – too hot outside the fridge and way too wet inside.  My wonderful friend Laurence and her son Simon, who were holidaying in Watamu drove up to Malindi to talk me through the final construction and decoration. They are still laughing at the fact that all I could utter was ‘it’s sweating, it wont stop sweating!’ But we got there in the end and the drive to Watamu was uneventful. It was a relief to had the sandcastle over to the responsibility of the lovely staff at Hemmingway’s who assured me they would look after it and I was finally able to relax with fish and chips and a G&T at Ocean Sports.

A couple of very exciting projects have resulted from this cake so it was worth all the worry.

Arriving home on the evening of 22nd I still had to get dozens of mince pies delivered. I had several orders from the coast which I had intended to make down there but after trying to roll pastry 3 times I gave up! Anyway it was quite relaxing to do them with Christmas carols in the background and Air Kenya got them to their destination unharmed.

This is what 100 iced Christmas Tree biscuits looks like when laid out on your dining room table!

 Mince Pies waiting for their icing sugar 'snow'

Jim and I had all good intentions of going to midnight mass but in the end exhaustion prevailed but we did attend the carol singing at Talisman restaurant and had a lovely time with friends and mulled wine.
Christmas Day was actually relaxing. Lots of delicious food of course -  ham, duck, and pudding – but not too over indulgent and we both, surprisingly lost a few grams. I am not sure how but the scales don’t lie!

Our house all lit up for Christmas and Jim's present in its new home above the mantelshelf - a beautiful Kudu drawing by our good friend Beaver Shaw.
Car trouble saw us remaining at home for New Year. Our good friends Dave and Pam joined us for dinner on the terrace – mushroom tartlets, fillet mignon and my grandmother's ‘orange mist pudding’, a wonderful concoction of cream and orange juice. Maybe due to the champagne consumed (or just the fact that we are all getting older) after a very late breakfast I was straight back to sleep and found it quite difficult to do any sensible for the rest of the day.

So what does 2014 hold for the African Kitchen Table? Well, I have opened a new face book page – Akt baking – for those of you who are on facebook, please friend us. I will be putting up photos of all things cake and if you are in Kenya you can order directly through the page. As the experiment with sending the mince pies was a success I am happy to take orders from around the country. I will put up special events such as Valentines and Easter as well. I am already onto the next birthday cake and have several orders in the pipeline so hopefully the year will be a delicious and profitable one.

The garden is thriving after the late rains but the baboons are also enjoying the rewards of our labours bur that is a story for another day. In preparation for the arrival of friends and family later in the year I am having fun making new curtains and other interior decoration for our guest rooms. With the help of Bosco and Bernard we are revitalising the cactus rock garden area just outside the buffalo fence. This also includes clearing some of the undergrowth to make it safer for small people to play (Bosco and I found a lovely hidey hole where we could watch the birds go about their business, such a differenct view from feeding them on the terrace) and also make a definate path down to the lawn area by the river hopefully to encourage us and visitors to use this lovely space more frequently. I am also determined to get my goose /duck pond with occupants this year. 

  the planned pond site

I hope it is a great year for all of you, where ever you are and I hope you continue to enjoy reading  the Jottings.




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