Thursday 15 August 2013

random thoughts

Yesterday's 2nd post was due to the fact that I have just sponsored an elephant orphan, Vuria and a Rhino baby, Maxwell who live at Sheldricks. The orphanage is located within Nairobi National Park and the babies go walking everyday in the park with their carers. They each have an individual carer who takes the place of their lost mother although they change around regularly so the babies do not get too attached to one person. Many of the babies are orphaned as a result of poaching. the are all eventually released into the wild after being slowly integrated back into the wild in Tsavo national Park where they are monitored and can be helped if they are not coping or not accepted into a herd.
I have sponsored them in the name of my business Swahili Summer. So if you want to follow their progress you can 'like' the SS face book page and I will be posting the monthly reports there. I can also go and visit them at special foster parent evenings so I will put some photos here are well.

The sun is shining this afternoon but this morning was foggy and wet. It has been raining for about the last 3 evenings and the black cotton soil on our road and in the park has become like an oil slick. This morning just out of the drive I did a complete 180 in the middle of the road before I put the car into 4WD.
The rain may be unexpected but it has given our garden a bit of relief. Everything has sprouted up. The apples and mangos have lots of blossom and the new raspberry cane which I brought home from the vegetable market last week has not suffered from being left in its plastic bag until we decide where to plant it. we are think of getting several more and putting them along the boundary to stop Tarbu breaking through. he likes to wander onto the empty plot next door and from there he can venture forth. We have so many greens in the garden and I have to get busy using the leeks before they become too old and woody to eat.

I am meeting my friend Liane in the park this afternoon. She drives through to and from her way to work at the airport each day (yes the one that burned down last week). We dont often pass but as I had to be very early on Monday we met at the main gate and arraged to have a half way meet this afternoon to catch up. My evening activity is making a Black Forest Cherry Cake. Not having an actual recipe for the construction I am using my favourite chocolate cake recipe, good cherry jam and lots of cream. I dont know if I will find even tinned cherries here, we definateyl dont have fresh. The reason for this experiment is Gladwell, our finance manager at work. Last week she requested the recipe and I have delayed until I cant put it off any longer. So I am doing the test run and will write it down as I go. She doesnot have a very sweet tooth and thought the pear and Almond tart that I took to wotk a couple of weeks ago was too sweet, although loved the lemon cake totally drenched in syrup and full of cream!? After my last experience of driving a cream filled cake through the park I am going to go by the road and leave the construction until I get to work - less risk of having cake all over the car!
I will let you know how I go tomorrow and if it is not too much of a disaster will take a photo.


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