Tuesday 6 August 2013

One of the most exciting things I have done yet!!

Last night, after almost one year of planning and quite a bit of fussing about, I finally hit the 'open shop' button on my ETSY.com shop. My friend Tara and I then shared a glass to celebrate and I have spent more time than I should have this morning telling everyone about it on my face book page and the business face book page 'Swahili Summer'.
 If you like browsing around super quality arts and crafts ETSY.com is a great site to visit. It is a site for people who want to go one step further with their crafts and hobbies - a great spring board into the world of retail.
I am ever amazed at the huge number of such talented people out there. You also get to interact with others registered on the site who have similar interests to you and you dont have to be a seller to join. This morning I have even located several other Nairobi based sellers after joining a couple of discussion groups.
I have been producing jewelry using African beads for about 6 years now. I have sold at markets both in Kenya and Australia and the face book page has been up for about one year. ETSY.com is my first foray into the serious world of retail
SO if you have a spare hour or so, do take a look at the site and please do drop by and take a look at Swahili Summer Kenya. And if you are a regular on face book give us a 'like' at Swahili Summer to follow the progress of the growing business.
Just to tempt you further here are a couple of my favourite pieces


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