Friday 16 August 2013

The end of the week- hurrah!

Well I did not get the Black Forest cake made for work last night and had to sneek in this morning and write a very apologetic email to everyone with promises for Monday, before I could face them!

But I did meet up with my friend Lianne yesterday evening. We both drive home through the park but because of our different routes we rarely see each other, hence, the having to arrange the half way meet. She bought some Raclette cheese for me when she went to Paris months ago for work and we have been trying to meet from the pick up every since. So we did manage yesterday and after over an hour of chatting I got a bit lost on unfarmiliar roads and did not get home until after 7pm. Once I had cooked our supper I did not have much time for baking.
Two cars stopped in the park, when there are no animals around is not a common sight and we had several people stopping to ask if we were ok. They all looked a bit surprised when we said we had just stopped for a chat. For those of us who pass through the park regularly it is 2nd nature to look out for anything vaguely suspicious these days following the murder of one of the beautiful Rhinos that we all see on a regular basis.

I was very grateful that the sun continued to shine yesterday and I did not have to negotiate the road in the dark AND the rain. THis is what I had to deal with on Wednesday when the weather suddenly turned just before I left work.

This morning I ventured out into the garden to take a few progress photos.

Our first apple blossom of the season

hundreds of baby mangoes that will be ready for picking come November

our newest avacado tree that started life as a seed in a yogurt pot on the kitchen window sill.

The icon of all Australian back fences thriving in Kenya - the passionfruit. I had 2 for my lunch today, they taste so much better home grown!

the last of this seasons oranges.
Happy Weekend! I will be writing my first report of my wine tasting course after tomorrows class. 

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