Friday 2 August 2013

It's been one of those days!

I knew I had to be early to work today as I had a very important meeting at 9am and could not be late. the other big thing on the agenda of course was 'Photo Friday'.
It all started off well and I was ready to leave the house by 730am.
But, then of course I got distracted! I made the mistake of taking a quick peek at the vegetable garden as I was loading my bags into the car - the lettuces are starting to seed, which is a good thing. It means we dont have to buy commercial seeds any more; under the protection of their mosquito net the strawberries are flourishing; the horseradish root, that my cousin Sam gave me last time we visited UK has come up - I am not sure how we harvest it but it looks wonderfully healthy.
A walk around the other plots with Jim examining tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, and a heated discussion about which pumkins to plant where and suddenly it is after 8am,
Yikes - I am going to be so late.
The drive through the park cannot be rushed and the traffic on the other side is always horrid at this time. I send a quick text to the meeting organiser to tell him I am leaving home right now (at least he knows I am on the road and the rest is left to fate).
My drive through the park was slower than usual. First, I got stuck behind a gaggle of guinea fowl, waddling up the middle of the road. Their beautiful fine feathers reminds me of women in black and white polka dot silk chiffon, so stylish, and with the addition of a bright blue scarf around the neck they would surely win the 'Fashion on the Field Competition' at any of the major international race courses. They finally move off into the bush and I can speed up a bit. It is at this point that I realise I have forgotten the cable that connects my camera to the computer and it is too late to turn around and I know Jim is not coming into the airport today. Oh well, I will just have to do it when I get home.
My next encounter was with a group of teenage giraffes. The most inquisitive of animals, I think. As you start to talk to them they turn and really look you in the eye. You can see their minds working 'what is this animal' You have to be pretty special to carry off orange with brown spots as everyday wear.
A large herd of zebra surprises me on the road across the main plain. Black and white striped velvet smoking jackets is my immediate thought. All they need are cigars and 'The Times'.
I make it to the main gate and amazingly the road is clear. I am in the Wilson airport gate at 845 I even have time to grab my routine coffee from the club. I duck into the canteen at the entrance to our hangar and ask the girls there to save my morning samosas until after the meeting, I will be needing the sustenence by then.

Here is a photo of the stork from post 2. My friend Helen forwarded it to me after reading the post. The good news is that early this week I saw her (the stork, not Helen), with mate out on the marshes. I do have a photo of them together that I will post tonight.

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