Friday 26 July 2013

Photo Friday!

US! Just realised that this green jumper has not been seen for ages, I think it is at my friend Melissa's house, I must get it back.

Airplane bits in the garden

More airplane bits

Shampain looking like a super model

'BeeMan' Jim all dressed up to go and investigate the state of our bee hives.

A mummy monkey and her very tiny baby who were sitting on the gate at the park entrance this morning as we came through

Portrait of Shampain with lavender. She spends alot of time sitting here on the grass just outside the kitchen. Her other favourite spot is up on the drive where she pretends to guard the house

Tarbu, where he loves to be best - in the middle of the kitchen floor. He does have a tail but it was wagging so fast the camera could not catch it!

This is my friend Laurence when she used to live in Tigoni. She has moved down to Nairobi in the past few weeks and it is so lovely to have her closer although I will miss her enormous vege garden.

Why walk when you can ride - Ella hitching a ride on Uncle Jim's shoulders for a Sunday afternoon walk through the garden. Typical African kid - no shoes to be seen anywhere!!

Mr Buffalo visiting the garden. The pile of rock used to be the generator house before we had the town electricity connected. It is planning to become a guest cottage - after the plane is built of course, only one project at a time.

Helen and I looking particularly glam at our royal wedding party in 2011 (we dont get alot of opportunity to dress up!) the bump in the middle belongs to our friend Anna who now has a delightful 2 year old. But more about her later.
Plans for the weekend. planes and more planes for Jim, of course. I have booked myself into a wine appreciation course which runs for 7 weeks of Saturday mornings starting tomorrow. Who knows, it may be the start of a new career!

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