Monday 15 July 2013

All good intentions

What a lazy weekend it turned out to be! All good intentions not quite making it to fruition. I seem to have spent alot ot the weekend in the kitchen and not quite getting anything finished. Although I did manage a few things on my list. After catching up on Friday evening with a friend who has a small garden centre (not a road side stall but a real space with a lovely shade house), I made a visit on Saturday morning and came away with a lovely collection of plants for the flower bed outside our bedroom window. I have put in a request for coffee bushed, pomegranates and a quince tree.
I also paid a visit to our recycling centre with far to many wine bottles plus the plastic and tin only to be told that they cannot take the small plastic trays that the mushrooms and other small bits come on. Some of them can be used as seedling trays, and I have to come up with a use for the others as I am determined they will not end up as land fill or being burned. We have also realised we have to remind each other to keep the shopping baskets in the cars as the cupboard with the plastic bags is at bursting!
Jim did find the time to sort out the strawberry plants. I gave him 2 strawberry pots for Christmas last year and the trailers have been running wild all over the garden. Now there is a seperate strawberry plot. I read somewhere that borage should be planted with strawberries - it helps make them sweeter. For my effort, I did find a new fig tree which is covered in fruit so I am preparing them for preserving.

Sitting on the terrace on Friday evening before going out, I met our resident swallows for the first time. Two of them were sitting on the roof in the evening sun just above their mud houses. It is going to be noisey when the babies arrive. I am not sure why they are here though at this time of year? I thought they should be in Europe for the summer and come back to us in October or so.   

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