Friday 13 September 2013

The week leading up to Friday 13th!!

It has been an eventful week in our household, most of it being the type of things you would expect to happen on Black Friday!

Tarbu wandered off to sow his wild oats over the weekend, as he tends to do every three months or so. I have never been happy with the fact that he spends time away and usually send Bosco down to find him after a few days. The Tarbu that was brought home on Monday was a very sorry sight. He has been fighting, obviously no longer 'the top dog' in the neighbourhood, he had been given quite a beating by his son. My opinion of people who allow this to happen on their plots when they claim to be animal lovers is not going to be the focus here but surfice to say I have taken photos and will be going to KSPCA. After 3 days at home and a visit from our local vet (lots of gentian violet and an antibiotic injection) Jim decided to do his own vet work last night, as you can see in the photos. Well, he was at least putting some weight on his leg this morning (we have had to carry him everywhere up to now) but we decided to take him for a visit to the vet in Karen who has been looking after all our family animals for many years.
Sanjay's reaction was much as we expected - Tarbu is spending a few days in hospital and will have an operation to clean out all the infected wounds and get proper care to get him back on his feet.
Needless to say he will be having his manhood operated on as soon as he is well enough to handle the stronger anaesthetic. His wandering days are over, he has sired quite enough offspring for one dog!

Well, if one member of the family out of action was not enough, I am hobbling around on one foot! What should have been an exciting Tuesday - my first day of catering for the pilots at work, I managed to slip down the spiral staircase at the hangar and totally twisted my foot. Nothing broken but it is a very pretty colour and about twice the size of my left foot ! Today I can spread my toes out for the first time. Our friend Phil, next door, sent a spare walking crutch over but I am having to get used to walking with it.

Our poor old buffalo was darted and taken away by KWS on Wednesday. Contacted by someone on the adjoining plot the rangers had visited on Tuesday. Jim was home and had sat down with them over cups of tea and they went off happy that we were not bothered by our extra watch dog! We did not find out until late Wednesday night that they had visited again that day when both Jim and Bosco were out - I was home lying on the lounge, but I don't thing even our staff had any idea it was happening. Anyway, I did see him in the park yesterday as I drove through (he is one of the very few buffs that have not moved with the herd to new pastures). He is easily identified by his broken horns. I am sure he recognised the car. I was about 150 metres away and stopped to watch him. He was walking with some zebras and suddenly stopped and turned completely to face me and just stood there staring at the car. I wonder what was going through his head looking at the car which was probably the last thing he saw before he went to sleep with the dart. He took a few steps towards me and then turned and kept on his path.

The good news of the week (there had to be some!) is that Rita has identified the bush baby nest in the roof! She dragged me into our bedroom yesterday as soon as I got home and pointed up at the corner above the windows and there were three little heads looking down at us, so exciting as we can now plan when we are redoing the roof so we dont disturb them too much.
I did wonder aloud whether they like watching the humans when they are sleeping as we like to watch them?
No photos yet, Adele, but at least I know where to aim the camera now.
So far Friday 13th has been trouble free. I do have to get myself back down the work staircase safely and I cant see that much can go wrong at the concert and dinner that we are attending tonight but who knows....... 
Happy weekend to everyone.

Our purple dog after the visit from the local vet.

Bosco doing the initial clean up

Jim, the amateur vet

I have never had dainty feet but right now I look like I have some strange tropical disease in my right foot!

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