Tuesday 10 December 2013

November and then the Christmas buildup

I am so impressed that, with no post for over one month, there are still many new readers of the African Table.

The table and myself have been extremely busy over the past 6 weeks with beads, baking and lavender.

Mid November saw Jim as the only male present at a Sunday afternoon ladies champagne tea. the occassion was celebrating, very belatedly, our friend Laurence's 50th birthday (one week before her 51st). We had been planning a much grander affair, however, November is the start of the Christmas fair season here in Nairobi so we down sized slightly because of clashing dates. Not that it was subdued by any means as you can see from the photos. Despite being the only male, I think Jim had fun and he did run off to his shed several times during the afternoon!

meringues with lemon curd cream and lavender

the tea table with birthday cake centre piece

Champagne all round

Jim surveying the goings on!
One week later saw myself and my friends Mimi and Jane loading cars and heading off to the Shaggy Dog Show Fair in aid of KSPCA. The Shaggy Dog Show is always fun, a light hearted event for those of us who dont have pedigree pets! Mea entered the owner/pet fancy dress competition with Rocky dressed as a bumble bee. She borrowed Jim's bee keepers outfit and won 2nd prize for her efforts.
The sales were a bit slow but Jim and others kept a steady flow of  Pimms heading in our direction and a lovely day was had by all in support of a good cause.
23rd November saw us heading off again, watching the sky for rain! This time to Purdy Arms Christmas Fair. As well as my jewelery I emptied out the cupboard where I store all my home made chutneys and jams. I also decided to take on orders for Christmas baking (which I am now paying for, as it is D-week with Christmas looming). I had a very successful weekend, selling all the jars I had dragged alone (there was no way I was taking them home, they were too heavy), enough jewelery to make the trip worth while and also had a great response to the mince pies and shortbread.
So now I am up to my elbows in butter and flour, the house smells of fruit and spice - just as it should at Christmas - and I am only slightly panicing at finishing all the orders, getting to the coast with a three tier wedding cake that I am baking or a friend and getting home in time to collapse on the terrace with smoked salmon and champagne on Christmas Eve!
Yesterday I delivered 100 iced and decorated Christmas tree biscuits and the first batch of mince pies. I have a plan taped to the fridge door and 2 public holidays this week to help give me time to be organised. Thursday evening is Carols by Candlelight which we go to every year - a fun family event with a slightly dodgey projector and none of the glitz of big city events but hey, we live in Africa and are spared alot of the commercial polish. Friday evening we are off to Nadia and Phil next door for their Christmas sundowners which will be a late night with friends and neighbours. I had all intention of a Christmas party this year but it just does not seem to have happened, I will have to be more organised in 2014.
I have tried to upload more photos but they just dont seem to want to be put on display so I will have to try again later.
Oh and for those of you who are interested our baby lemon tree has graduated from a yoghurt pot to a very grown up terracotta one and is living outside full time!
So, from a slightly frazzled me and my floury Kitchen Table, a very Merry Christmas and Happy, Peaceful New Year to everyone, wherever you are.