Friday 1 November 2013

Lavender and beads!!

My life this week seems to have been overtaken by lavender and beads!
We have put in the first 10 lavender bushes plus a few extra rosemary and lemon thyme just for good measure. They are all around the kitchen door area and the next lot are going to line the path to the laundry - I have visions of Rita drying the bed linen over the bushes so we have wonderful lavender infused sleep (it is very good for helping to sleep).

I have also been reading up on how to build a still at home and exactly how they work. I think I am going to have to enlist Jim's engineering skills with this little project mainly because I am going to have to invade his sacred space - the shed, in order to house the still and hang the harvest to dry! My friend Helen has comented that my photos are reminding her of Provence (she used to live in France) which I was pretty pleased about as my dream is to pretend I am hiding away in Provence when I don't want to face the reality of Africa on my door step.

tiny new plants

the original

a space just waiting to be filled with lavender!
As well as my usual pottering in the garden I have been busy in the kitchen and my work room. Last week SAw me trying to make and decorate a green and purple dragon with no electricity - fine during the day but not when you are trying to do it at night when you get home from work! he turned out beautifully and all the kids loved him.

The first Christmas fair of the season is on Sunday at KSPCA Shaggy Dog Show. I will be sharing a tent with a friend who does beautiful beaded embroidery on clothing. I have had beads all over the dining room table for the past 2 weeks - we have been eating off our knees in front of the telly but I have produced enough pieces to put a decent show together and have surprised myself with some of the bead combinations I have put together. I will put up more photos on the weekend when I have proper ones taken. for now the boxes are packed up and I will be labeling and parceling pieces up ready to go early on Sunday morning. The Dog show is always lots of fun and this year I have been helping Helen's daughter Mea put together a costume for her jack Russell who is going in the fancy dress competition as a bee! mea will be wearing Jim's bee keeper suit and carrying the smoke puffer just in case Rocky gets a bit excited :-)  She is bound to win!!
Have a wonderful weekend where ever you are and if you are in Nairobi come along and say hello at Ngong race course from 10 am on Sunday.